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Try out potency boosters with our Original Sample Packs!

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Brand Trial Packs

Original Trial Packs is a potency booster for solving problems with erection. This pack contains samples of world's popular brands (Viagra, Cialis and Levitra). Try each of them and decide which one is perfect for you.

Viagra is a drug that doesn't need any special advertising. It is the most popular and widely used preparation, designed to boost the men's potency. An active ingredient of the drug is Sildenafil. The drug works for 3-6 hours.

Cialis is an efficient preparation that has a powerful therapeutic effect and helps men in solving problems with erectile dysfunction. The composition of the preparation includes Tadalafil. This ingredient activates the work of circulatory system providing rush of blood to penis and hard erection. As for the duration of the action it is a certain leader among such drugs - it works up to 36 hours.

Levitra is potency booster that consists of Vardenafil and other ingredients. This drug influences not only circulatory system but also penis muscles. It provides long erection and no discomfort. The drug provides effect up to 10 hours.


Brand Trial Packs Mini-VCL

Item   Price Order Now
Brand Trial Packs 4 pills Viagra Brand 100mg
4 pills Cialis Brand 20mg
4 pills Levitra Brand 20mg
£68.69 £65.42 Add to cart

Brand Trial Packs L-VC

Item   Price Order Now
Brand Trial Packs 10 pills Viagra Brand 100mg
4 pills Cialis Brand 20mg
£80.91 £77.06 Add to cart

Brand Trial Packs L-VL

Item   Price Order Now
Brand Trial Packs 10 pills Viagra Brand 100mg
4 pills Levitra Brand 20mg
£80.93 £77.08 Add to cart

Brand Trial Packs XXL-VCL

Item   Price Order Now
Brand Trial Packs 8 pills Viagra Brand 100mg
8 pills Cialis Brand 20mg
8 pills Levitra Brand 20mg
£113.17 £107.78 Add to cart

Brand Trial Packs L-VCL

Item   Price Order Now
Brand Trial Packs 12 pills Viagra Brand 100mg
12 pills Cialis Brand 20mg
12 pills Levitra Brand 20mg
£167.68 £159.69 Add to cart

Brand Trial Packs S-VCL

Item   Price Order Now
Brand Trial Packs 16 pills Viagra Brand 100mg
16 pills Cialis Brand 20mg
16 pills Levitra Brand 20mg
£197.51 £188.10 Add to cart

Medical information and Original Sample Packs

Active ingredients

Sildenafil Citrate, Vardenafil, Tadalafil


  • Viagra Pills 100mg Sildenafil Citrate
  • Cialis Pills 20mg Tadalafil
  • Levitra Pills 20 mg Vardenafil

A dosage of one pill per day with Viagra and Levitra, and one pill within 36 hours with Cialis may not be exceeded. If a lower dosage is required, pills can be split.


Take the desired dose of Viagra about 30 to 60 minutes prior to sexual intercourse, which will lead to a strong erection for 4 to 6 hours after sexual stimulation.

For Levitra, take the required dosage about 25 to 60 minutes prior to sexual activity. The effect continues then for about 8 to 12 hours.

You may take Cialis pills 30 minutes prior to sexual intercourse to benefit from the potency-supporting effect for up to 36 hours.


These three well-known potency treatments are PDE-5 inhibitors, which hardly differ in their mode of action. By reducing the level of erection-degrading enzyme PDE-5, long-lasting very powerful erections are enabled. The differences of the products can be found in their period of activity and compatibility. The Sample Pack in particular is a suitable way to find your favorite one.


Since all three of the products basically work identically, the same prerequisites apply for all three. Never take different potency pills at the same time.

Do not undergo treatment for potency if you:

  • have serious cardiovascular diseases
  • are taking other medications (refer to interactions)
  • have retina conditions
  • are younger than 18 years old
  • have low blood pressure
  • have a tendency to get painful permanent erections
  • have gastrointestinal diseases
  • suffer from liver or kidney function disorders

Side effects

Below you will find the most frequent Original Sample Packs side effects. For a complete presentation please also note the information for each individual product.

Joint Original Sample Packs side effects:

  • Headache
  • Vision disorders with potential bluish fogginess (Viagra only)
  • Nasal congestion
  • Facial flushing
  • Dizziness and gastrointestinal conditions
  • Aching permanent erections


Do not combine any potency treatment with drugs containing nitrates or N.O.-donors. Absolutely avoid grapefruit products and high-fat meals if possible.

Special Notes

Please also implicitly observe all advice given here regarding each individual product since they describe more precise and more comprehensive information.


Brand Trial Packs Testimonials

274 of 349 people found the following review helpful
from Steve T.
Great service. Thanks a lot!
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269 of 352 people found the following review helpful
from Jim
Everything is good! I have to admit that there are side effects and plenty of them, I must say. But seeing happy face of your wife totally makes up for it.
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289 of 368 people found the following review helpful
from Samuel
I’m not sure why, but personally I prefer Viagra; not because it is a famous and popular brand. I have tried all the aforementioned medicines; Viagra proved to be the most efficient for me in terms of quality. Although its effect does not last long, it is rather good. I guess everyone should act according to the situation and take appropriate pills.
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258 of 327 people found the following review helpful
from Craig
These pills do magic!
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292 of 378 people found the following review helpful
from Ross
These three medicines cannot be compared. They have their advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, people have different organisms, which is why the effects of the medicine will be different. I choose Levitra. Now I know what is best for me.
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296 of 374 people found the following review helpful
from Tyreek 51
I’ve tried Viagra, Cialis, Levitra. I don’t know why people think Cialis is good. I didn’t quite like. I liked Levitra the most. It gives better recovery and is more effective. Regarding side effects, I only had slight redness on my face, but it didn’t last long.
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289 of 353 people found the following review helpful
from Landon
Wonderful result! The effect is simply amazing!
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289 of 363 people found the following review helpful
from Parker
It is impossible to compare these three medicines. All of them have pros and cons. One should first consult a doctor who will help choose a medicine for you.
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